Friday, September 6, 2013

Frances' 50th Birthday Weekend

The Birthday Girl - here is how her weekend went.

It begins with flowers.

Then the first swim of the weekend at Matareva.

Finally, off to Virgin Cove for the Birthday Getaway.

Our bungalow.

Rope swing.

The Birthday Girl.

It suddenly dawns on Frances that she is turning - 50!

Cheers to that!

Birthday morning.

Not a bad way to start the new decade.

Indigo under the mosquito net..

Morning fishing.

Off for a Birthday swim.

Indigo of the jungle.

Frances' craggy 50-year old toes.

Sherry's Samoan Soul slippers.

Alien fruit.

The view from our balcony.

Stopping in at Vavau on the way home.

Come on Blue!